Calling In Love - A Manifestation Manifesto

(13 minute read)

Let me begin by saying that I’m a very private person, and mostly choose to keep what is ‘currently’ happening in my private life to myself. The reason for this is to protect the energy of the intentions I set.

I learned a long time ago that when I’m working on manifesting a new chapter in my life, it’s best to keep it to myself, or at least be strategic about with whom I’m sharing.

Even the most sincere well-wishers can hold subconscious beliefs about what is possible for you or what you “should” be focusing on. Dare I even say there may be some people in your sphere of influence who are envious. Even if it is unconscious on their part, inviting others to have a say about your intentions can influence your progress and even block your blessings.

NOTE: If this manifesto resonates with you, then be sure to read about the special group coaching opportunity at the very end … designed to help you manifest big love into your life.

The story I’m about to share with you is one that I hope will inspire you to allow yourself to imagine what is possible for you in the realm of manifestation, especially right now, since we are entering the spring eclipse season.

Astrological Influences in Love

We have a lovely moon phase coupled with a powerful eclipse cycle that will begin to unfold, influencing your love life beginning now and throughout April 2024.

Be sure to read my article about the astrological influences happening now so you can use this energy to manifest your own beautiful love story.

Now, onto my manifesting story that began at the last eclipse …

My Manifesting Story

In October 2023, I hosted the second annual Goddess Retreat in Puerto Vallarta (PV), Mexico. I was in full gratitude to have so many incredible women in attendance. Our experience was nothing short of magical.

A hurricane came through about 10 hours before we landed. When we arrived, we found our villa damaged. The electricity and water were off. The villa manager and crew worked as fast as they could to repair everything within 24 hours. During our stay, there were times when we didn’t have water or power. But we all surrendered to the experience and everything worked out perfectly.

We enjoyed gourmet meals, swimming in the majestic ocean and in our private ocean-view pool. We got our “Goddess on” by practicing sacred feminine techniques to activate our Shakti energy. We claimed our powerful divine feminine essence and supercharged our intentions in preparation for the new moon coupled with a “Ring of Fire” solar eclipse.


Phase 1: Deciding What I Wanted to Manifest

I wasn’t sure exactly what I wanted to manifest with this ultra-special new moon. When I arrived at the retreat, I surrendered to the unknown, and asked the universe for guidance, to show me clearly what was for my highest good.

On the morning of October 14, the day of the new moon in Libra, powered by the solar eclipse known as “The Ring of Fire,” we prepared for our new moon intention-setting ceremony. We talked about the power of group intention-setting, and with this rare astrological event, we knew magic would happen.

Then it occurred to me, I was surrounded by all of these amazing women who were there with me to learn how to embrace their Goddess essence. And they had something else in common – they were all in long-term committed relationships with partners they adored.

They were mirroring back to me a deeply buried desire of being in a healthy, committed relationship.

It had been a long time since my marriage ended. The whole experience was so painful that I had not allowed myself to acknowledge my desire to be in partnership.

I thought to myself, “Is this something I am ready for? Do I even want to allow myself to consider entering a new relationship?”

The answer came in waves and it was uncomfortable. I thought about my heart being ripped out of my chest repeatedly during my tumultuous and very short-lived marriage. All of the wounds I thought were healed came right back up to the surface and stared me down.

Feelings of betrayal and abandonment welled up in my chest. I remembered feeling utterly alone. I remembered how angry I was at myself for allowing any of it to happen. I remembered how embarrassed I was that my husband left me 13 times, because I kept taking him back, hoping for a miracle.

I asked myself if I was ready to finally let that shit go.

I decided I was ready. I set the intention to let all that residual pain wash away and clear the space for a brand new experience in love.

It was time to manifest a new experience with a partner who was right for me. Someone who shared my values of commitment and communication. A divine counterpart who also wanted to experience big love.

I expressed my intentions to the group (intuitively knowing that it was safe to do so) and after we completed our workshops for the day, it was time to manifest our desires.

Phase 2: Setting Intentions

We set the stage for our intention-setting fire ceremony and called in our desires in true creative form, drawing beautiful sigils, Then we offered our creations to the universe by releasing our sigils into the fire.

One by one, we approached the fire and released the creative expression of our intentions, surrendering “the How” to the universe. We watched as our supercharged drawings burned up and out into the ether. It was a magnificent co-creation experience.


Phase 3: Clearing Space

Eventually our time came to an end, and our goodbyes were bittersweet. I felt in that moment that somehow our lives would never be the same.

I left the villa and moved to a nearby hotel for a week, and much to my delight, I ended up in a luxurious presidential suite with my own private pool, just steps away from my bedroom. It was the perfect place to rest and recharge after such a powerful experience. I thought I might even get some work done by the pool.

I was not prepared for what happened next.

The first night, I had a vivid dream of the first masculine presence in my life - my father, who passed away in 2016. In my dream, we talked about my failed marriage and the ancestral patterns I was repeating. We talked about how I needed to let myself feel all the pain of that scenario, as well as his death, which I never even grieved. I could not look at the pain of my father’s death back then – I had just lost my son. That pain got buried so deep I forgot it existed. That pain was still lodged in my body and was blocking me from the blessings the universe wanted to gift me.

When I woke up, the process had begun. And I grieved – for days. I felt it all. The anger, the sadness, the aloneness. I replayed the stories of abandonment and betrayal, feeling like my heart was being ripped out of my chest once again.

On the morning I was set to leave Mexico, something inside of me shifted. I felt lighter and free. I felt my dad’s presence. He was cheering me on. I cried tears of joy.


Phase 4: Saying Yes

I came home and began catching up on all my work – business as usual.

Exactly one week after the full moon (when I released all the grief I had been carrying) I received a message on a social media platform from a man I met almost a year prior. It was a brief meeting at a concert, so I didn’t remember him right away.

His text: “Hey, remember me?”

My text back: “No.”

(My typical short response when I don’t want to be bothered with nonsense.)

After a few texts back and forth, I realized I did remember him.

A year prior, we spent about an hour talking at a concert. He was in a relationship back then, and I had zero desire to be in one. I wasn’t really looking for new friends either, because I was moving to Africa in a week, but I remembered being grateful for the short conversation.

He didn’t waste my time with ‘nonsense texting’ like I expected. He immediately asked me out on a date. I appreciated that he was not burning up my time with questions like, “How are you?” Or, “What have you been up to?” He was straight to the point and planned everything.

So I said, “Yes.”

During our date, we decided that we would be friends and just see where things went.  

My new friend and I were spending lots of time together, bike riding, talking and sharing stories of our past. Our friendship helped me see my past relationships (and my failed marriage) with new eyes. I no longer wanted to see my ex-husband as the villain who ruined my life. I instead wanted to clear the air and find peace in forgiveness.

Phase 5: Facing My Fears

A couple days later, I received a random call from my ex-husband. We talked for a while, both of us feeling that the energy had shifted between us.

We felt called to clear the air. It was scary for us both. I wondered if I was ready to climb back into that hole of sorrow and pain. Then something very curious happened.

We began sharing our personal experiences and all the ways we had been hurt by one another. Our phone conversations continued for weeks.

It was not easy. There were times when we both wanted to just hang up the phone. But we stuck it out, and we listened. We cried a lot. And we laughed a lot too. We moved through our pain one story at a time. We both felt seen, heard and understood. Another heavy weight was lifted off me and I felt lighter than I ever have in my adult life.

What became clear to me in that experience is that we do not heal in a vacuum. Our wounds are created in relationship, and the only way to heal them is IN relationship.

It was my relationship with my new friend that inspired me to find the courage to face my fears and lean into the old conflicts with my ex-husband, knowing that the wounds I refused to heal with him would no doubt be carried over into the next relationship.

All the wounds we carry from the traumas we have endured were created inside of relationship. While it is our responsibility to lean in and heal those wounds, we cannot fully heal outside of relationship.

I’m grateful for the support I received from my new friend who held space for me without judgment so I could find the courage to face what I needed to face.

I’m also incredibly grateful for my ex-husband’s willingness to move back into relationship with me, even if just briefly over the phone, so we could heal together.  


Phase 6: Getting What I Asked For

My new friend and I continued to cultivate our friendship, that eventually grew into something more.

A couple months later, he invited me to vacation with him in Mexico to escape the cold Virginia winter.

I was hesitant. I knew being around a person you don’t know well for 30+ days with no break is not easy and possibly a recipe for disaster. Then I remembered that I had nothing to fear because the universe had my back.

We both knew that by the end of our trip, we would have a very good idea of whether our relationship could endure and we would know if we even wanted it to. Good thing we wanted the same outcome and were clear about that.

So I said, “Yes,” again.

Nearly immediately, we struggled with conflict. We clearly saw each other’s flaws and could not unsee them. Our flaws triggered the other’s wounds, again and again. It was so uncomfortable. So much that at one point we agreed to end our vacation together. I was preparing to leave Mexico alone. I could not wait to get out of there.

Then something incredible happened. We decided to be brave and talk about how we were being impacted. We listened. We felt seen, heard and understood.

This created a safe space to look inside at our own wounds. We shared our past experiences, our fears and our dreams. We grew closer and developed a deeper appreciation for each other.

We laughed. We cried. We went on adventures. We found the beauty and the humor in it all. And love began to blossom.


Phase 7: Realizing My Manifestation

When we finally got back to the states, we took some much needed space to unwind and think about the experience. We both realized that our relationship was incredibly special. We recognized the love that was present.

At that point, I was ready to admit that I had manifested my match. A man who is kind and loving and who shares my values of freedom, adventure, humor, commitment, compassion, honesty and curiosity.

And the best part of it all is, I know he has my back. He continues to choose me, as I continue choosing him.

We are both committed to growth, which is another value that I cherish greatly, because I know that when we are done growing, we have completed our time here on Earth. Stagnation is no longer an option I am willing to consider, not even to save an important relationship from ending.

Most importantly, we are committed to our own personal happiness. We do not rely on each other for this. We take responsibility for making ourselves happy so we can share with each other our own versions of happiness.


Phase 8: What Is Worth Having Is Not Always Easy

In order for me to become a vibrational match to the kind of relationship I craved, I had to first clear the blocks within me. Those blocks revealed themselves in the form of stuck emotional energy. Once I cleared the grief I was carrying, I became an energetic match to my desire.

And we both had more clearing to do. The clearing we experienced together felt like being hit by a tidal wave. It was not fun nor was it pretty. But it was necessary. And there will no doubt be more clearing to do as we move through life together, growing and changing before each other’s eyes.

I want you to understand that anything worth having will not always be easy, especially when it comes to romantic love. The beauty of relationship is that there are always new aspects to discover about your partner, because we are all constantly growing and changing – and therefore, there are always new aspects to discover about yourself too.

If you’re open to it, your romantic relationship has the capacity to set you completely free, by helping you to uncover and heal your buried wounds.

You will be able to easily locate the wounds of your partner because you will surely trigger them. You will also discover buried wounds within yourself that your partner will most certainly trigger within you.

Your triggers and wounds are your responsibility to heal, and you must heal them or you will be destined to repeat unhealthy patterns that will continue to cause you pain.

Whatever the trigger is, understand that the wound attached to it can very easily become a story that is tied to a pattern you are used to repeating – it’s like a loop in time, and only you can untie yourself from that loop.

Will it be painful? Maybe … and probably. Leaning into the pain that is keeping you stuck is the only way to release it for good.

I hope my story inspires you to believe in love, and gives you the courage to manifest divine love into your life.

Continue scrolling to learn about the brand new Masterclass Series I’m offering this April, “Calling in Love.”

With LOVE and light,

PS. This is for YOU if you want to MANIFEST great LOVE into your life.

A Rare Opportunity

If you’re ready to set your intention to manifest the loving partnership you crave; one that is full of passion, adventure and aligned with your values, then I would like to invite you to join my upcoming Masterclass Series, “Calling In Love.”

I will show you how to set your intentions for great love, which will be amplified inside a powerful virtual group setting.

We will utilize the amplified energy of the new moon in Aries along with the total solar eclipse.

I will be your guide as you release your blocks to love so you can CALL IN the kind of love your heart TRULY desires.

You want to join this Masterclass if you:

  • Have settled for partners in the past who consistently let you down

  • Desperately crave partnership but you’re afraid because you’ve been burned before

  • Think your ideal partner does not exist so you remain single

  • Are tired of repeating relationship patterns that do not serve you

  • Want to heal your wounds around romantic relationships

  • Have a profound desire to call in your divine right romantic partner

  • Would like to reignite your connection with your current partner

We will workshop through the ways you hold yourself back so you can reclaim your personal power, relax into your authentic self and feel good in your own skin.

You’ll learn how to use your divine energy to show up fully so you can attract the love you want, as well as powerful manifesting techniques to call in love, and anything else your heart desires … from here on out.

Event Schedule:

We will meet on Zoom for this live event, at these dates and times.

  • 5:30-7 pm ET, Friday, April 5th  

  • 10-11:30 am ET, Saturday, April 6th

  • 10-11:30 am ET, Sunday, April 7th

What To Expect:

  • Coaching for specific issues that are blocking you from experiencing the love you want

  • Opportunities to heal wounds around self-worth

  • You will move into vibrational alignment to receive the love that is meant for you

  • Group manifesting sessions that will amplify your intentions

  • Specific manifesting techniques you can use forever

  • Learn how to use the moon’s energies to manifest

  • Develop ways to keep your vibe high and love growing

  • Guided meditations to support your love journey

  • Copy of my book, “Manifest Like A Goddess”

  • Moon Phase + Goddess Altar Instruction sheets

  • Event sessions will be recorded and are yours for life

You will leave this Masterclass Series fully prepared to call in big love at the new moon on April 8th.

I look forward to seeing you there.


Eclipse Energy Brings Love Center Stage - Spring 2024


Hop off the blame train to Nowhere.