Team Conflict Resolution Workshop Series


A live interactive group coaching experience where you learn to resolve conflict at the core and make a lasting, positive impact within your sphere of influence.

Just imagine being able to resolve conflict at the core, for good.


… and replace them with insight and understanding so everyone can move forward with dignity.


… into calm, respectful dialogue that fosters unbreakable relationships.


… so that team members can see all aspects of a problem and solve issues more efficiently and with less tension.


… by using proven techniques that bring true accountability and solutions that were once unseen.

A New Way of Resolving Conflict Is Needed
Now More Than Ever

Conflict is not only a necessary part business, it’s also a necessary part of life.

Without it, we would learn nothing, and growth would be impossible.

When you begin to manage conflict in healthy and productive ways, you can create safe spaces for resolution instead of using the unhelpful techniques that have been passed down through generations, which only makes matters worse.

With a new understanding of conflict, you will see that conflict is actually the bridge between separation and connection.

"Don't waste your energy and your time fighting an existing system. Design a new one and make the old obsolete."


You must be open to traversing into unknown territory, where unlimited possibilities for positive change exists.

You must be willing to letting go of outdated practices that compound harm in order to bring dignity into difficult moments.

You must possess the desire to serve as the example regarding how conflict is managed and be the change you wish to see in your sphere of influence.

You must allow yourself to step into your personal power and be transformed from the inside out, so that you can in turn empower others.

You’ll be a catalyst for creating change in your sphere of influence WITHOUT…

Relying on systems thinking that prioritizes punishment over true connection.

Using outdated, punitive techniques that cause more harm than good down the road.

Feeling bad about the way you’re addressing conflict and the potential negative impact it creates.

Not only will you emerge from this experience with an in-depth understanding of how to resolve conflict at the core level, but you will enter into a new paradigm where solving tough problems becomes a lot easier.

Meet Your Guide

Sara Daves is a conflict resolution expert with more than a decade of experience in guiding clients through the process of conflict resolution.

She trains conflict resolution facilitators in her annual cohort, where students learn to master the art of resolving conflict in their spheres of influence.

Changing your experience with conflict is an inside job.

We have the capacity to create significant collective shifts in the way conflict is handled when we begin with ourselves.

The concepts you’ll learn are life-changing, as you begin to understand the way society has attempted to resolve conflict has only made things worse. 

This work crosses all social systems and creates a positive impact in the way they operate.

What you will learn is not a form of mediation, where two parties decide on what they are willing to lose. It’s a completely different way of managing conflict where new possibilities arise — which once seemed impossible.

Here is your opportunity to create true understanding, equality and accountability while fostering trust, connection and self-empowerment for all.

Learning to lean into conflict allows you to uncover possibilities that were once unseen.

This is your chance to do your part individually,
so you create change

The Details


  • Replace Judgment, Blame & Punishment with Insight, Solutions & Dignity

  • Create Unbreakable Connection Through Reflective Listening

  • Key Elements of Emotional Mastery

  • How To Stop An Argument In Its Tracks

  • Create Safe Spaces for Honest, Courageous Conversations

Your Commitment + What to Expect:

Together, we will build an intentional community that will serve as a safe and confidential space to learn.

We’ll workshop through real-life scenarios with live role-play exercises so that you feel confident in using the skills you learn to create a positive impact in your sphere of influence.

Classes will be recorded, but it is important to attend all classes and be fully present with video on. This is an experiential class and simply watching the recordings is not an option.

You can expect a paradigm shift that will elevate your understanding how conflict is the bridge between separation and connection and how to come out on the other side with a new understanding of what is possible when conflict arises.

Plan for 1 to 2 hours of homework each week.

Contact me for the 2024 session schedule.

Registration is now OPEN

The next workshop begins in mid-2024.


  • ~Tim Staub, CEO

    This program changed me. It has given me a deeper understanding and an ability to recognize signs of hierarchy and fear-based structures, within punitive systems where trauma is buried and feelings are shelved. It has given me the courage to be vulnerable and meet others where they are rather than where I want them to be – to seek first to understand, look for common ground and to love others with whom I disagree. I’m developing an ability to listen for trauma from other human beings and to understand their perspectives and their context through the eyes of their experiences. I will carry this with me for the rest of my life.

  • ~Andrea, Workforce Specialist For Re-entry & Corrections

    “This is a true power move of liberation, understanding and growth. The more we share the more we realize how much we all really have in common. It is so evident that we all yearn for real sustained change in every facet of our lives. For the truth to set us free, we must walk toward the truth, even when it is painful. This has been a truly transformational experience.”

  • ~Brett, IT Professional

    “This class has really been such a transformative experience for me, and in ways that are really surprising me. I’m really feeling inside of me how I can be an active part of so much good – more than I ever have before.”

  • Catherine, Realtor, Educator

    I’m super excited about the opportunity to heighten my awareness when it comes to self-accountability, and sharpen my ability to make amends by creating mutually beneficial solutions in which no one has to lose. As I uncover old wounds or belief systems and dismantle, it becomes easier and easier to catch myself when those old triggers show up. I can respond without hurting the other person, and can imagine creating space where no one has to lose.

  • ~Tami Sober, Senior Administrator of Teacher Leadership & Retention

    It HEALS wounds...

    and it moves us to a space of peace and love. It creates a path for the inherent goodness in us to push through the pain and for GOODNESS to rest on top ... so that we can then show up for others with all that goodness ... and offer it to them.

  • ~Addilynn, Therapist & Coach

    I cannot overstate the benefits we are receiving from our small collective by bearing witness to this together, with each other and for each other. The exercises coupled with the content and shifting paradigms are wisely paired. I have been practicing with my husband and children and it is amazing how much peace enters the relational space once one feels heard. Wow – the power.

  • ~Mickayla Brandly, Conflict Resolution Teacher

    “To be able to have a safe space where I can be genuinely authentic and feel accepted and heard is such a beautiful thing; I want to help as many people as possible feel this sense of belonging and community and dedicate my life to things bigger than myself, things that will really positively impact others. There are limitless opportunities in this work. Learning to lead with love and valuing our oneness is really special. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  • ~Margaret Lawhorne, Business Owner & Conflict Resolution Teacher

    “Having this tool would have changed the way I parented in so many wonderful ways and instilled these values in my children during their formative years. If you are not sure you have the time in your schedule to take this class, my response is, you don’t have time not to take this class, it is that powerful.”

  • ~Lauren, Parent Coach

    My heart feels open and alive, and I am so excited to continue this work and share it with more people! I wish I had known about this sooner, for my children’s sake AND I’m so grateful to be where I am, learning what I’m learning, sharing what I’m sharing.

  • Jamie, Realtor

    We can see our own humanity and the shared humanity in certain others who we agree with. We need to improve our vision and see the humanity in all people, even those we don’t agree with or understand. And that’s what I’m starting to do as a result of this class.